Category Archives for "Printable Pages"

free, printable notebooking pages for homeschool

Order of Operations Notebooking Pages

Do you remember this quirky sentence, “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally?” That is the mnemonic device commonly used for memorizing the mathematical order of operations. Parenthesis Exponents Multiplication and Division from left to right Addition and Subtraction from left to right Here is a free, printable notebooking page for writing about the order of […]

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Game Board Templates

free printable Game Board Templates (for any subject)

I am always amazed at how simple games make homeschool so much more fun. I have taken “boring” review questions or tough math problems and presented them in the format of a card game or a board game and received praises for being the coolest mom ever. Games really work. If you need a nudge, […]

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